Automatic Outage: Radials older than 12 hours. Operator should investigate.
Notes from Tony Whipple - I believe that the transmitter quit working again. Here is what led me to that conclusion: 1- Disconnected transmitter and put scope on input signal. Input signal cycles with tx set to pulse, on and off and meets spec. 2- Power to transmitter tested and shows battery voltage. 3- Re-connected transmitter, disconnected tx antenna and replaced with external SWR meter and dummy load. No output with tx set to pulse or on. This was probably a result of overheating. The air conditioner at CORE is only marginally working. The compressor comes on for a short period of time then shuts off. It cools, but not enough. Finally, just to add insult to injury, the 24 VDC regulator that CODAR suggested I install to mitigate overheating failed. So as far as I can tell, to get CORE back in service we need: Transmitter repair or replacement, A new air conditioner (and possibly a back-up), A new 24 VDC regulator and we are still 4 batteries shy of a full house. (The old 4 batteries were very low on water today while the new ones were in good shape.)
Status switched to 'In Progress'
Outage cleared automatically. Radial files have caught up since initial reporting
Status switched to 'Closed'